
1. Upcoming AGM
Our Annual General Meeting is coming up fast, its Thursday April 18, 6:30 pm at the Minor Hockey Clubhouse. Anyone can attend, its open to all members of our society, not just team reps. FYI, we will have two vacant seats available for those who might be interested in serving on the Executive. The Vice President position remains vacant and the 55+ VP will also be available. Truthfully, these jobs don’t take as much time as you might think. If anyone out there is interested and wants to know more before diving in, call me (Jeff Boehm) any time at 250-751-4030.

2. Rec Division
In the rec Division recently, the Whalers defeated the SKYHAWKS in the finals to win the Championship. Also, speaking of the Rec Division, the league is fostering a new “B” division for Rec to give young guys a place to play which isn’t quite so competitive. So, if you know anyone who has been wanting to play but has been having trouble getting on a team, have them get in touch with Mark Ennis (Rec VP).

3. Parity
I have been talking about trying to achieve parity now for a while. Last year we took steps to help the 55 division and it seems to have worked. That division has a lot better parity now. The 45+ division however is now suffering. We had one team finish with a record of 33-4 and another team at 3-35. This is something we would like to address. In addition, the talk continues about reorganizing ages and skill levels and that talk is welcome. The Executive is interested in any feedback or input you have so please don’t be shy, let us know your thoughts.

4. Red Penalties
The prize for the team with the lowest per game red penalty total is a $500 team dinner at Milano’s! A special thanks goes to Kyla Hartnell (Long Lake Physio), Dave Kirk (Cunningham & Rivard), Leon Cake (Four Star water works) and Boehm Construction Ltd for sponsoring the dinner.

Rec Division
1. Whalers (28)
2. Quarterway (38)
3. Mustangs (32)

30+ Division
1. 26ers (18)
2. Steamers (22)
3. Rangers (32)

45+ Division
1. Cyclones (18)
2. Coal Diggers(24)
3. Shooters (36)

55+ Division
1. Old Dogs (8)
2. Sofa Kings (17)
3. Golden Eagles (19)

The Red Penalty award is called the Ian Monk Award. This year’s winner is the Old Dogs with 8 Reds total! Congrats guys!

Have a great summer and hope to see you all in the fall!

Jeff Boehm on behalf of the NOHL Executive


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Roland van den Hout