A message to all NAHL teams and players

As your executive, we met a few days ago to discuss the impact that Covid-19 will have on our upcoming hockey season, and we thought it was time to update you guys with the latest as we know it. The latest is that as of this moment the city does not have a date for re-opening the arenas. We think they will be re-opening in July some time starting with NIC 2 and then re- opening ice as needed by user groups. They have asked us to let them know how much ice we will be wanting and they have also asked us to submit a proposal to them with our procedures to accommodate distancing and safety measures. We are aware of some other leagues and how they have decided to operate. The ones making the news are the summer leagues at this point. Some are doing 3 on 3, some are 4 on 4, some are not using referees, some are using electronic whistles. Penalties are penalty shot so you don’t need to go to the box. Physicalcontact on the ice is going to be a no-no and likely cause a penalty. Team totals on benches and dressing rooms are likely to be limited to 8-10, and limits on arrival times and leaving times will also be in effect. The latest from Bonnie Henry also seems to be that phase 3 will be with us well into next year so we will assume whatever format our league takes in September will be with us for the entire upcoming season. Our executive has also discussed perhaps for this season not having as many games. We have been provided the Provincial Return to Sport guidelines and its 32 pages. Nanaimo also has a lengthy document for its parks and rec dept. CARHA has also provided us a document with its recommended procedures.

So, what we need from you guys is feedback on three things. 1. If we were to have a season would your team be interested? 2. Would you like the same number of games or a reduced number? 3. What format should we choose? 4 on 4, 3 on 3, penalty shot, refs vs no refs etc. The feedback we get from you guys on this to help us decide how to proceed.

My impression is that since we have been asked to write, submit and enforce our own guidelines, that we can do what we think is right for us. 3 on 3, 4 on 4, or perhaps even 5 on 5 PROVIDING that as long as we meet the 2 metre requirements on the ice, on the bench, and in the dressing rooms. I am not suggesting we do that I am just trying to make sure we all know what our options are.

Jeff Boehm
NAHL President

Roland van den Hout